Wednesday, December 28, 2011

And...We're Back.

The long absence from the blogosphere has had a few causes. It all began with my turn at battling food poisoning. It hit like someone flipped a switch and it all happened at the most inopportune time. It was nearing the deadline for our Carte de Sejour, or residence cards and the sloooow bureaucracy meant lots of meetings with deans, assistant deans, department heads, and the president of the university. The morning after the take down we had a meeting with the president.  I'd spent the night going from vomiting, to fever, to chills, to a 3am febrile viewing of Cleopatra and TWO cycles of Mrs. Doubtfire at 4 and 7am.  Waiting for the president was interminable due to the long wait in a heavily tiled and unheated building. It was FREEZING.  I tried to disguise the shakes and the fact that I had a plastic bag shoved in my coat pocket just in case sickness hit again. Above is a still life of the tv room showing the aftermath.

We've also had a number of events taking place. We had a great collaboration with L'institute Francais for an Environmental Event that included a some documentary viewing, discussion, and a desperately needed campus cleanup.  It was a great event with lots of student involvement. I wasn't just taking pictures the whole time...we cleaned up a lot of trash too...and if I see another little foil trident gum wrapper on campus, there will be serious consequences!

We wrapped up with some of the best Shwarma action in town.