Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The January Whirlwind

January was packed with international travel. First R. went back to the US via London and New York...

R's own personal heaven...

Cherry blossoms in January...yikes.

Mexican breakfast in Brooklyn is a great re-entry to the US atmosphere!

Some good friends and family time in Seattle to recharge the reserves.

Then it was back to Morocco and off to Amman, Jordan for the midyear conference which meant presentations and conference sessions for one person and tooling around Jordan and taking in the sites for the other!
The pictures below are a nice contrast between our experiences. I look like I'm teaching Jordinian teachers the Itsy Bitsy Spider song...and R. is floating in the Dead Sea with Mary Ann, the Fellow in Tangier's wife.  While we are in conferences, they are out on the town!