Saturday, September 17, 2011


Our time in Rabat so far has been full of contrasts.  The pictures of our hotel are a very specific $200 a night version of the city, and there is also stepping through garbage on the streets occupied by many starving feral cats.  Today we had a juxtaposition of touring the Souk and then the Megamall (complete with Lebanese food court option of which I partook gladly).  We drove by a new development full of glass buildings which will house tech companies, and then toured Roman/Phonecian ruins.  In the afternoon we enjoyed my drink du jour Cafe 'noos noos' (half strong coffee-half steamed milk) among Moroccan women wearing full abayas and others who wore their hair uncovered, perfectly coifed, and publicly smoking cigarettes.  The call to prayer is often competing with 'ding ding' of the new tram system.  Observing the contrasts has been fascinating.