Friday, September 16, 2011


Welcome to the long postponed blog Maghrib Sunrise.  Maghrib is the name for Morocco in Arabic, and also means 'Sunset'....which we hope to see a lot of from this side of the Atlantic. Sunrise...for our new adventure here.   I hope to show all our friends and family abroad our experience here and have some documentation of our cultural observations.

After a long journey from the U.S., we arrived safely in Rabat leaving only one precious suitcase behind...Air France promises to find it, and I hope they do because there is some much needed cargo in that one...i.e. my only other pairs of shoes.  Until they find it, I'm going to ride my healthy disdain for possessions that I perfected when we downsized and moved out of our house.  Let's start at the beginning, with the real reason we arrived here exhausted!

We went from THIS....

To this....

It was such a whirlwind that we found ourselves a little dazed when we got to Morocco...but then we were welcomed with this...

We are now getting a lay of the land as we wander the streets of Rabat and spend time with our contacts here. We are very much looking forward to seeing more of this beautiful country.