Wednesday, September 28, 2011

On the Road...

A great cultural find on the highway is a chain of rest stops.  Now in the US, rest stops are quick in and out jobs: Restroom, gas up, bag of chips, MAYBE a taco break if you are passing through Ellensburg, but here you can really spend some time!  The new highway includes perfectly identical bright orange and green colored rest stops that include: gas, restrooms, a mosque, a full playground for children, a cafe with good coffee and pastries AND if it is lunch time or later, an elaborate grilling system where they prepare tagines, and a local favorite bread Tafarnout that is made by putting the flattened dough on hot stones.  I got to watch the ladies making it right there.  We enjoyed a leisurely hour and half lunch...the beef tagine was like the most flavorful, delicate, and delicious pot roast you have ever had in your entire life....take that Chevron!