Saturday, October 1, 2011

How You Livin'?

I've been asked to post pictures of the apartment. Never one to disappoint my readership please see below:

Bedroom Camera 1

Camera 2

Camera 3

We have a redundancy of restroom options. Here is a view of shower room, and bathroom, not pictured is a room with just a toilet and sink, affectionately deemed: toilet room.

 A special thank you to R. who asked, "Is only cute stuff supposed to be in this glass cupboard."NO! But thanks for checking if that was a 'thing' I had going...For those of you in Seattle, you may note that we shlepped our Ballard Organics soap all the way over here (lemongrass featured in this photo)!

Below is one of our many sitting rooms...this is a room known as VIVA ESPANA! as it is decked out in the colors of the Spanish flag. It also hosts a TV with a ton of channels in Arabic, one in French, a version of BBC, MBC (NOT NBC) though confused easily if said out loud, and an interesting channel where fully clothed ladies just dance together while a camera circles around them...we can't figure it out, but I have my suspicions...

Here's the little kitchen. It is sweet and cozy, but sometimes I feel like I'm eating in an RV with the cupboard over my head...


And our 'Salon' which as Youssef my colleague explains is a common new design in Morocco: Half traditional seating which means you can comfortably fit at least 12 people for lively conversation (which is the layout in the Viva Espana Room and the Blue Room (not yet pictured). The other half is more of a European style with a couch and chairs. 

 C'est un bel appartement, no? We were lucky to have some people sleuthing out a good spot for us.