Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Walk Down Junk Food Lane

This was a birthday 'card' for a good friend who is partial to Pringles.  She is a very experienced world traveler, and even more experienced connoisseur of foreign and domestic snacks.  We both appreciate the local preferences in flavor as they are often much different than the US.  Oh say for example...Roasted Chicken and Thyme anyone?  It tastes like Thanksgiving...and since we will be abroad for one of our favorite holidays maybe we will only have a bowl of these Poulet et Thymes to remind us of the cozy November meal.

Other flavors of interest and strangeness: The classic 'Ketchup', 'Bolognaise', 'Cheeseburger', 'Pizza Pepperoni', and my personal favorite: 'Moutard Pickles' which you might have guessed is 'Mustard and Pickles'.  This post is dedicated to Dirk and his general store.

If one were to base our general diet on this blog, one would think we are just sitting around stuffing our faces with strange flavored chips and frozen pizzas. Only partially true! We are also enjoying the fruits of autumn even though it feels like the height of a Seattle summer here.

A little roasted poulet of our own and beautiful root veggies!