Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mr. Rogers Routine

When we come home from an outing I've noticed I have a bit of a Mr. Rogers routine.  Long-sleeved sweater on the hook, switch to shorts, change to indoor shoes. Ry has his version of the same routine.  On one hand we are changing to cooler clothes, but also it prolongs the 'nicer' clothes between washing.  We wear our clothes longer here due to not wearing them all day, having a washer that can only wash 5 kilos or less at a time, and the process of hanging our clothes to dry.  Using less resources this way helps make a small dent in our no-recycling-system-in-Morocco guilt.  The plastic bottle guilt can keep you up at night! Oh, and if you haven't seen Mr. Rogers' defense of PBS and his show before the Senate when Nixon wanted to cut the budget in half, you better tack on a little time to your 'blog checking and other non-work related distractions' time, 'cause it's a gem!