Monday, November 21, 2011

Breaking Bread: Tafarnout That Is...

We are thinking about Thanksgiving these days, brainstorming a cozy alternative which will in no way compare, but will have to do. Above are some shots of the traditional bread that is popular in the south. Fahmi and I are taking in the scene while the lady quickly and adeptly places the discs of dough right onto the hot stones, flips others, and scoops up others that are finished. It is all very fast and graceful, like a giant bread producing violin bow.  On this trip we had the best tagine around and the waiter piled a stack of these loaves on our table 5 high. We pulled at them delicately because they are still piping hot and then you plunge chunks into the tagine juices and scoop up plump raisins, vegetables, and pieces of tender chicken with your bread and fingers. It is heaven.