Monday, November 14, 2011

Feeling Idle...

With the end of the Eid vacation and a week spent in this apartment due to the great sickness of 2011, I have to say I'm getting a bit stir crazy.  Too many idle days on end and I start going a little nutty. My biggest outing today was a petit-taxi ride to the copy center across from the university to pick up a book and drop off another. Lunch was a big deal today because the chicken ladies were open and I made a Chicken Marsala-esque pasta dish which was a hit.  Now I'm off to meet with the American Language Institute to talk about some potential collaboration, and then on to Derija class, where a couple absences, the sheer complexity of the language, and the French fire-hose instruction means I will be staring into the middle distance in no time...just like the camel on the right!