Monday, November 7, 2011

The Sick House

What happened? In the span of 12 hours we both went from two healthy energetic people, all jazzed about Eid and a week vacation to catch up on things, to two sicklings. Something hit us and now that I think about it, I have noticed a lot of sniffling going on around town.  For instance, waiting at the counter at the copy center...I tried to keep my distance from some clearly unwell fellas (but if you don't jockey for position you get left in the dust...and this is just to make photocopies!)  and we were up close and personal.  At least we have some recovery time. In the meantime, enjoy some of these snapshots of life on the outside of the apartment...

 The tile work will make you die from happiness...

More of the Mosque in is strangely so modern, ancient, and timeless all at the same time. 
It is such a well realized space.

Wandering in Rabat

Peppermint sticks grow out of the ground in Rabat! See, this place is magical.