Friday, May 18, 2012

Documented Growth

See that bluish space between the building and the trees? That is the Atlantic Ocean viewed from our balcony if you hang over the edge and look to the right.

I'm so amazed by the progress of the balcony garden.  It seemed so impossible for those lettuce seedlings to transform into anything that resembled a lettuce leaf and now look how far they have come.  Watching this growth more closely than I ever have before with a garden has reinforced my wonder and gratitude toward food that we grow. I realized this when I went to make a cucumber salad and grabbed a giant cucumber from the bag I had bought at the store.  My immediate thought was: THIS IS HUGE! 
THIS MUST HAVE TAKEN SO LONG TO GROW THIS BIG! Now when I walk by the guys who drive little carts from their farm into the city with the latest crop (NECTARINES AND PEACHES) I'm even more thankful to the people who grow and tend to our food. It takes a lot!