Monday, May 21, 2012

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Ok...before this turns into a garden blog I'll post about something besides our container garden. The other night we were settling into another evening session of Breaking Bad (latest American television favorite) when we heard the quite common screech of car brakes from the wide boulevard we live on. Usually you hear it...and there is a slight catch of breath as you hope you won't hear a crashing sound....only to be relieved that it is just another near miss in the driving chaos.  This time the screech was met with a loud and very near crash and crumple from the cars colliding.  We slowly got up to look out the window.  To our surprise the crash happened directly in front of our tv/lounging room.  A petite taxi doing a usual 4 lane U-Turn got t-boned by a car coming down the street at typical high speed. A stream of oil and gas started making its way down the road.  The worst part is that a woman was in the back seat passenger side...right where the cars collided.  The taxi driver opened her door and we could see she was well enough to use his cell phone, but she stayed in the car resting her head on the seat while they waited for the ambulance. Probably the safest bet.  The ambulance came....what seemed to be an hour later.  The law that requires cars that were in accidents to remain exactly as they were really creates a fresh accident hazard as cars coming down the street were screeching to a slow and swerving into the oncoming lane to avoid them.  The police came...what seemed to be 2 hours later...and literally 3 hours later a tow truck came.

Second to the spectacle of the accident was the fact that every window in the apartment building opposite us was filled with similar nosy nellies.  We wondered if those apartments were even inhabited because we NEVER see anyone...until there was some street drama below.