Monday, May 14, 2012

Someone Like YouoOoouuUUU...

I forget how fun it can be to work with teenagers or students younger than college age.  So much of working with this age group is about being supportive and encouraging. We were discussing that in college we never really follow up with..."I just want you to know he wrote that poem HIMSELF! (followed by applause)"  It is a refreshing change.  Another aspect that I am totally entertained by is teenager choreography.
Here a group of students render a version of Adele's Someone Like You with their own dance accompaniment. That choreography? The 'Adele' character starting from a crouch in the middle of the others, entering a slow rise as the accompaniment enters a ring-around-the-rosies move around him while he sings...
Unfortunately, the video isn't loading, so I added these screen shots to give you an idea. The audience singing along with the chorus and the performers sort of forgetting the lyrics when it gets fast, but then recovering with dramatic flair are not captured as well in photographs...